How to access multiple accounts in Instagram?

Most of the people, especially entrepreneurs, have multiple instagram accounts. Having multiple accounts is so hard to handle especially when both accounts are important.

I have three (3) instagram accounts. One personal account with random stuffs, one account for my calligraphy and arts, and another one for my online shop. It's kinda hard to handle these accounts because I used them all everytime. (Yep! I'm an instagram person)

At first, I've been looking for a free app that supports accessing multiple accounts without logging out the other. I found some but it's just a like and repost app, and it cannot post photos and cannot open Direct messages. I've also tried looking for paid app but I also failed.

Until Instagram finally released an update that supports accessing of multiple accounts without logging out the other one! (yay!) It was released last February 2, 2016.

"In a statement, Instagram confirmed the feature was part of the 7.15 update for both iOS and Android users but said that the feature will begin to appear this week so it could still take a few days before all users see it." -Yahoo News

After reading this, I hurridly updated my Instagram to version 7.15. It took a minute or two after my update before it reflects in my application.

Here are the steps on how to access multiple Instagram accounts without logging out your main account.

Step 1. Go to your profile and then click the settings (with the gear icon) on the upper right of the screen...

Step 2. Click the "Add Acount" at the bottom of the Settings page.

Step 3. Enter the username and password of your second account. And then click "Login"...

And you will be directed to your second account profile page...

Step 4. To access your other logged in accounts, click on the arrow beside your username...

Step 5. You can also add more accounts by clicking the "Add accounts"

That's it! You can now easily manage your Instagram accounts with a lesser clicks! :D

You can also follow me on instagram and let's be friends! :)



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