Travel Preparation: What are the things to remember in Preparing my Stuffs before Travelling?

Counting the days left before the travel day is the common thing an excited person is doing. Come on! We are all feeling the same way, too, right? Sometimes, excitement can make us forget some other things that we need to do or to bring. So, I'm going to give you a checklist and tips on packing up your things for your upcoming travel.

What you need to bring on your travel/vacation?

  • Important documents (such as Valid IDs and/or Passport)
  • Clothes
    • Undergarments - Count the days you are going to stay on your travel. If you don't want to wash your clothes on your vacation, better bring at least two (2) pair of underwear per day. Swimsuit/s is/are also included.
    • Shirts and Shorts
    • Jeans - at least a pair of jeans, in case, you are going out for a walk.
    • Dress - at least one, in case, for an unexpected event.
    • Pajamas and Socks - especially for cold seasons
    • Slippers
  • Hygiene
    • Soap
    • Toothbrush and toothpaste
    • Shampoo and Conditioner
    • Deodorant
    • Lotion
    • Mosquito Repellant
    • Sunblock
    • Facial cream/Moisturizers
    • Sanitary napkins - for girls
  • Others
    • Sunglasses
    • Watch
    • Belt
    • Hat
    • Scarf
    • Power Bank/Charger
    • Nail cutter
    • Flashlight
    • Umbrella
    • Safety Pins
    • Hair clips
    • Camera
    • Medicine
    • Extra Bag (Eco bag or Plastic bag)
Tips on packing up your things:
  1. You don't have to bring everything in your room, just bring the things you really need.
  2. Thinking in advance. If you have time, imagine that you are already there in the place you are planning to go and think of all the things you will do, and the things that might happen.
  3. Bring light and thin clothes to lessen the weight and mass of your baggage.
  4. Check the weight of your baggage especially to those who will ride a plane. And always think that your baggage going back home will be greater than your baggage leaving home.
  5. You can have a small bag for your important things so you will not have hard time finding it in case you need them.
Those are some tips that might be useful for your travel preparation. Just always think in advance and have some time in preparing your things. Be safe and enjoy your trip, travel buddies! :)



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