How to add an E-mail sender into your Safe List and not as Spam?

Google mail, or also know as Gmail, automatically filters e-mails that keep spam out of your inbox. E-mails such as advertisements, e-mails that contains links for phishing sites, or multiple e-mails that has the same contents as some of the samples blocked and automatically tagged by Gmail as spam. But, there are some e-mails or sender that was not really meant to be on the Spam list. Like for example, you really want to receive an e-mail from your favorite online store but it was always falling in your e-mail account as Spam message/s.

In this blog, I will help you how to add a specific e-mail address to your Safe List and avoid e-mails from them to fall into your Spam messages.

Step 1: Log-in into your Gmail account through .

Step 2: From the "Gmail" dropdown on the upper left of your browser, click "Contacts".

Step 3: Add new Gmail contact by clicking the Red button with Plus (+) sign & human icon at the lower right of your browser. Adding an e-mail address into your account will be tagged as Safe Sender in your e-mail.

Step 4: Create new contact form will pop-out on your screen. Specify the Name of the new contact and click "Create" button.

Step 5:  Specify the e-mail address of your new contact. You could also add Photo, Nickname, Company, Job Title, Contact number/s, Address, Birthday, and Notes for further details of the new contact to be added. If you're done with the contact details, click "Save".

Step 6: Confirmation message, "Contact details saved.", will be shown at the lower left side of your browser if the new contact was successfully saved. Contact preview will also be shown at the center of the browser. 

And you're done! The next time the added new contact will send an e-mail, it will fall on your Inbox as safe e-mail, and you will never miss an important e-mail again from your specified e-mail address! :)



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