Ellen @ Work: The Ultimate Office Raid (Tektite)

Last 29 September 2015, the 2nd Avenue channel held an activity for Ellen @ Work at the Philippine Stock Exchange Centre, or also know as Tektite. It was a whole day raid at work located at the Auditorium of Tektite Building.

The activity was a free registration and open to all.

Upon entry at the venue, there are couches and tables placed at the center of the event area where people can chill and sit while waiting for the raffle draw. Yes, there is a raffle draw every hour for all the registered visitors.


Nescafe gives away their ready-to-drink coffee in a box/karton. All we've done was we posted the banner, which includes the #KapeSarapInABox hashtag, in our social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Each social media account where it was shared was entitled for one (1) piece of Nescafe Coffee in a Box.

Nestea introduced their new product, the Nestea Cranberry Cosmopolitan. Each registered person was given one (1) sachet of juice powder. They also have a free taste for the said product.

Colgate also gave their new Colgate Plax Jasmine flavor Mouth wash for each registered person. They also offer a free Back Massage!

There are also other booths such as Games booth (includes Dart Board and Basketball shooting), Snack booth and SMDC booth.

As I've said a while ago, this event had drawn a raffle every hour. Luckily, I've won the raffle for the 11:00AM draw! Here's what I've won...

It was really a fun activity that we attended during our break time!

Hoping that 2nd avenue and Ellen continues bringing happiness at work! :)

Have you also experienced this Ultimate Raid at Work? What can you say about it? Leave you comments below! :)



  1. It proved to be Very helpful to me and I am sure to all the commentators here!
    Pet Importation


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