BDJ Passion Series: Say it with a Cupcake

Last 25 July 2015, Belle de Jour together with Cupcakes by Sonja arranged an event for friends, BFFs, or ever relatives. The event was titled as "Say it with a Cupcake. It was held at Cupcakes by Sonja, Power Plant Mall, Rockwell.

The event's goal is to bring out the sweetness and creativeness of a person to their BFFs. The registration was 1,000php per pair which includes the items and cupcakes to be used in the workshop.

Me and my mom was excited for this that is why we came at the venue 30 minutes before the call time. So, we took pictures while waiting...

Here's the set-up for the event...

Of course, selfies! :D

BDJ Passion Series "Say it with a Cupcake" started at exactly 2:00 PM.

Here's our stuffs for the workshop...

To start the program/workshop, there's a game for two (2) pairs. Me and my mom joined the game. It was a "Guess what's inside the bag" which was related to baking/cooking tools. Unfortunately, the other pair guessed it first correctly. The winner received a customized #BDJPassionSeries x #CupcakesBySonja Sugar Cookies! Yummy! :)

The first activity for the workshop is the "Sugar Cookie Letter Envelopes". We were asked to write something/anything for our partner using the Sugar Cookie and frost icing from our box. And here's me and mom's finished product...

The second activity was "Magnetic Poetry Cupcake". We were instructed to use our Vanilla cupcakes and frost it with icing and then topped with the Magnetic  Poetry candies! Here's what we'be done...

The last activity, but not the least, was the "Freestyle Fondant Topper" where we are going to make our own designed fondant and top it in our Red Velvet Cupcakes. Using food coloring and our white fondants, we've done this...

Our tables were messed with sugar and fondants, but we were so happy for the sweetness it brought to us bellas and to our BFFs!

By the way, Ms. Sonja was at the event also!

To summarize the workshop, here are the results of our activities...

After the workshop, certificates were given to all of us! :)

We were looking forward for more events like this! It was really fun to be a bella! :)

Thanks to Belle De Jour ( @bdjbuzz ) and Ms. Sonja of Cupcakes by Sonja ( @cupcakesbysonja ) for this great event/workshop! :)



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