Things you'll love at Starbucks

Some might say that hanging out and having a drink a Starbucks is too expensive and a little bit "sosyal" thing. Well, NO. It isn't just about that. :)

When I was still studying, I also found Starbucks too expensive. Of course, for a student who doesn't have too much allowance and wasn't born rich (and just have enough budget for the needs only)
But as time goes by, and I've started working on my own income, I've realized that the cost per drink/food at Starbucks are reasonable.

Here are some of the things, for me, that will prove it.

1) The ambience
Photo credits to

So far, all of the Starbucks stores/branches that I've already got into are all clean and relaxing. The lights are all not too bright and is very perfect for chillin' out. I also loved the smell of the coffee, even if you are still meters away from the entrance, you can easily identify that it is Starbucks because of the smell! :)

2) The Barista/s

The smile on each baristas faces really makes my mood good! Their enthusiasm and joy can make a stressed person... smile! :) Some barista also write a little note on the cups like " Have a nice day, <insert name here>! :) " or "Enjoy your drink, <insert name here>! :) ".

3) The foods/drinks

All I can say is... AWESOME!!! Loved all their drinks but my favorite was Dark Mocha Frappucino. And my favorite food/dessert was the S'mores! ❤️

You can also have your drinks customized. Some also request for drinks that was not on the menu. You can always ask the barista with want you want. :)

4) The Starbucks Card
This card is reloadable and has no expiry (it's a life-time card). Everytime you purchase any hand-crafted beverages (like frappuccino, brewed coffee, etc.) entitles you one (1) beverage star. 12 collected stars is equivalent to one (1) free tall sized beverage. :)
Another awesome treat from Starbucks for card holders is the Birthday treat for all registered card holders. They will give the celebrant a slice of cake of your choice on the month of the card holder's birthday. :)

5) The Long Receipt

This long receipt gives a lucky customer a free Complimentary Beverage after you answer their survey on their website. I've been lucky with this for two (2) times already. Just to share a story, when I got my second long receipt, I was so stressed that time and wanted to relax that is why I went to Starbucks and have my favorite drink. For my surprise, I got a 
long receipt which made me happier. :)

And that are some of the things that I love at Starbucks! :)

If you don't have a Starbucks card yet, go to the nearest store from you and ask the cashier. There are different card designs featured. :)

You can also visit their website,



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